domingo, 31 de marzo de 2019



This chapter takes us through the path of reflection about why we learn, what motivates us to learn and why it is good to learn by learning, during this chapter it is not only explained through universal reasons, but also helps us see beyond the process learning, helps us to understand that this process that goes beyond making money, this learning process involves changing ourselves, all this involves self-improvement and also involves having three aids or tools to achieve change, which on the need the professional, constant change and is our own directors of learning, but it is not only the learning of school or how to know how to split but also what is learned indirectly as it can be the value of honesty by not making a copy, among others. I believe that this chapter helps us to realize and to recapitulate why we are in the university and helps us to remember all those criteria that They helped us to choose what we do today, and it helps us re-elect everything we chose mechanically.


Learning how to learn is quite important because all the people have a different way to learn as well as different intelligence. One person can be very good at Sciences and the other in languages and this is fine. In colleges, when kids don’t do well in math, but they’re really good at drawing, their parents hire them a math teacher, But why not hire him a drawing teacher so he can exploit his talent and become better at what he likes and what goes well for him? Also, it is important to know that learning styles are present in each person, for example, some people learn better-watching images, videos and other ones learn making exercises of listening or listen to music.
We as a teacher is important to know this information in order to take into account when we are teaching to our students and try to do varied exercises.


To prepare to learn is important to take into account the diversity of intelligence which are focused on the logical-mathematical and the verbal-linguistic, it depends on the abilities that each person has. But the multiple intelligences is not the only component influences in the learning of the person, also, learning styles are included in the process, in which, we can distinguish between visual, auditory, linguistic, practical, reflexive, social, and logical-theoretical. All these are important to do the practice effectively using some methods depending on which way is easier for you to learn, there are many methods with which a person can learn; but it works just when you put it in practice, because, for each one there is a method which helps to understand better and sometimes to memorize in order to get an effective learning.  


This part mainly seeks to show us that we are all born to learn and this is essential in the human being and therefore we must understand that all the time we are learning and therefore we need to know and if it is necessary to improve our relationship with learning. Sometimes due to bad experiences we believe that learning is not for us, because for example, in school we had bad grades in math or Spanish, but what we have to take into account is that there are different types of intelligence and it is ok not to know math because maybe we are excellent at music or literature. It is also important to mention error, because we have always believed that making an error is wrong, but in fact in my learning process at the university I have been learning that through mistakes I can teach my students and they should not be taken as something bad, but as an opportunity to learn more and this depends on my mentality and willingness to learn.

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WHAT IS LEARNING? We think that learning is a process in which we acquired and shared different knowledge and then we put it in pra...