domingo, 7 de abril de 2019


Resultado de imagen para aprendizaje

  1. We think that learning is a process in which we acquired and shared different knowledge and then we put it in practice in order to strengthen what has been learned. On the other hand, we think that learning transcends the academic space(college, university) because taking into account that we are social agents, we also learn to be and live together, so that we know how to behave depending on the culture in which we find ourselves and to be social people. Also the learning process allows us to improve ourselves in a professional and personal way helping us to achieve our goals, it is important to clarify that to carry out the learning process (and all that this entails) it is not necessary to attend or be in a classroom, we often learn outside of it, thanks with the readings that we can find in the books what we have at home or in a library, even we can learn from our daily experiences.


Resultado de imagen para como aprender

Some of the advantages of learning a foreign language are the ease with which you can get tools to practice; for example listening to music, you can improve listening and also pronunciation; watching movies in a foreign language also helps, not only with you listening but with the understanding of situations. Another way to practice the language is with applicatons like Duolingo, Smart, among others which nowdays help us too much if we don’t have too much time and want to improve our skills. With this, also is important to have somebody who can give is feedback from who knows about the topic to analyze how far we have advanced in our learning process. In addition, is important to have a micro-goal what is more realistic to achieve. To have a nearby objective is better because, if you get it, you will feel the motivation to continue with the process and so you could grow up, both work and personally.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2019


Resultado de imagen para learning process


In order to achieve a good learning process it is important that it is developed in an appropriate environment, with adequate guidelines, since we must take into account that in order to develop a good learning process it is necessary to have concentration and all our attention in that activity.During this chapter we talk about tools, postures, acoustics among other elements which can help us to develop a good learning process,starting from simple things like having a good atmosphere of concentration, keeping paper and pencil at hand to take notes and some tips to avoid deconcentration during the learning process,all this not only to improve our learning process but also to accelerate our learning process.


The learning environment it is really important when you are going to study, work, even sleep, it is the place where you are going to feel comfortably uncomfortable, the major part of our time for study, we have our cellphones with us, and it is a big distraction of what we are doing and we are going to take more time in our process of learning because of the distractions. Also some times we spend a lot of time in the same position and we must do some exercises in order to be relaxed and our mind with all the attention in what we are doing.

It is important to know that when we are learning it will be helpful to use more than one learning style and as we know it exist two kinds of learning the passive (Hear, read, etc) but also it exists the active one in which we use 2 or more styles (we hear and speak, we read and write) and In my opinion the active one is the best way to learn.


To get a good learning process is important to have a good posture not just for a healthy life but to help our brain to get more oxygenation, then is important to have a good music, if you want, but without lyrics because it could distract us as well as do it the cell phone, sometimes the computer with tabs that is not related about our research topic. To have tools like pencil and paper is useful to write important things which help us to remember and organize our ideas. Also, it's important to recive feedback form someone who can tell us what we are doing wrong or right. All of that have to be taking into account in order to accelrate our learning process


In order to accelerate our learning we must take into account certain aspects, such as: the learning environment which should promote concentration, in this there are 2 types: physical: we must take into account our position, where we are studying (bed , chair, lying, sitting) and the digital, we must turn off the cell phone, put the computer in airplane mode and avoid distracting us with the notifications of the cell phone. The second aspect is to have a social and active learning, transmitting what we have learned to someone else knowing that this helps to synthesize the information we know, besides, this makes us an active learner, who uses his senses to learn. Finally, the self-evaluation becomes a fundamental factor, since it allows us to know in what level we are and what we should improve, having a growth mindset allows us to understand that we should not be afraid of the evaluation, but to see this as an opportunity to learn more and of course, an opportunity to accelerate our learning.


Resultado de imagen para learning strategies


When we start our learning process, many times we do not consider what objective or objectives we want to achieve. This chapter shows us the importance of macro and micro goals or objectives. It important for our learning process to establish some macro and micro goals set goals and know how to reach each of them, we can find 2 types of goals,the macro goals are the general goal, for example, the macro goal of learning languages ​​is to travel around the world, and the micro goals are the small goal such as using the language with a United States person, we must also remember that this goal is more specific. All this helps us to have a clear horizon about what we want and how we want to achieve it, some strategies are timetables where extra-curricular activities can be organized along with the learning processes, creating a balance.


For learning process, it is so important to have a learning plan, some times we as learners don't take importance to do this, but in any way, it is a good strategy for study some topic and have the enthusiasm to do it. You must have to establish your macro-goals and micro-goals and prioritize them, some times we start doing the easier task but in reality, we must start with the most important, or for example the one we need to deliver first. Then recognize your learning resources like texts, books, and apps, and finally, create a time table in order to organize your time and enjoy learning; have it is a useful tool for manage your time and no always been working and studying but also have time for your hobbies, family and the most important have time to sleep.


In a learning process is important to establish a macro-goals and micro-goals taking into account that micro-goals are which we can achieve in a short time while the macro-goals are long-term. To start our learning process, is important to define specific actions, each action require training and this can develop in a deliberate practice what is focused on the learning through self-guided, also, there is the guided session what is the learning that we acquire with help from others and complementary activities what is acquire from other forms of learning, like reading or reflecting. Is important that all of these practices will have an objective, a fun design, and a re-design to be effective in our learning process. In this process, we have to account with cheap resources such as physical tools (paper and pencil) and knowledge material (book from a library or videos from YouTube” or there are some resources a little bit expensive as human resources (foreign teachers or private classes) and package training. After having all this we have to schedule weekly in order to have time for our daily routine but more for the learning activities.  


In order to develop our learning process, it is important to do a learning plan and to create this the macro goal and micro goal are important; the macro goal is a general goal that we want to achieve and the micro goal are specific goals that are established in order to achieve the overall goal. After establishing the micro goal, we must define the actions we are going to perform to achieve the micro goal and then organize training sessions that are fun and allow these actions. Then, we choose the resources to use according to our own criteria, these resources can be books, youtube videos, applications, individual teacher, and so on, and with these resources we define our timetable to study and learn, taking into account that we must leave time to spend with our family, enjoy the hobbies and rest.


WHAT IS LEARNING? We think that learning is a process in which we acquired and shared different knowledge and then we put it in pra...